Artist-led sessions aimed at supporting 13-17 year olds awaiting NHS treatment for mental ill-health
SPAN Arts is a partner organisation with Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) improving mental health and reducing feelings of distress in children and young people known to Specialist Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (SCAMHS) and UHB. ArtsBoost is supported by the Arts Council of Wales and The Baring Foundation.
Now in its third year SPAN has been working with a team of artists to deliver creative multi artform sessions that give the young people the choice of what they want to do and how they want to express themselves.
The arts are proven to help with health and wellbeing, SPAN Arts in Pembrokeshire, Small World Theatre in Ceredigion and People Speak Up in Carmarthenshire are the creative partners commissioned to deliver these arts-based activities.
To be eligible to take part in future sessions, you must be known to SCAMHS and either waiting for, or accessing support from your local primary mental health team.
For more details about ArtsBoost, please contact Kathryn Lambert,, Hywel Dda UHB, Arts in Health Coordinator or Bethan Morgan,, SPAN Arts Community Producer.

This project was funded by the Arts Council of Wales, the Welsh Government, The National Lottery, The Baring Foundation, and Hywel Dda University Health Board.