Guy Manning guides a painting demonstration painting the lane as viewed from his front door. A gentle meditation on contrast, tone and shade. The workshop took place on the 16th May 2020.
“This is the lane I walk on every day with our dog, sometimes twice daily. In this step-by-step demonstration, alongside oil paints on canvas, I show you how you can plan the painting using things like everyday cardboard and house emulsion etc, so you can all have a go even if you haven’t access to a box of art paints.”
Guy took his first forays into the digital realm with his postcards from Pembrokeshire series when he set himself the challenge to paint an image of Pembrokeshire daily and to share it digitally for a year. Guy has since opened the Art Room in Tenby.
Donations welcome.
Supported by Arts Council Wales and Leader Arwain Sir Benfro.
The live session was streamed on 16th May 2020.