Criw Celf Primary is an Arts Council of Wales funded project for children who have shown a talent or special interest in art. Young people from Pembrokeshire, aged 9-11 applied to become part of this exciting creative project with SPAN.
Now in it’s third year, the programme has featured in-person, outdoor sessions with local artists. Participants had the opportunity to enjoy five master classes led by professional artists, exploring a range of art techniques and skills.
It is an amazing opportunity for the children to be part of an exciting creative project where they made new friends with similar interests and learnt new skills.

Over a series of sessions the children stepped out into nature, focused on their surroundings, took what they discovered and turned it into a poem. They practiced new drawing and mark making techniques, as well as creating exciting textures with a variety of materials.

At the end of the project, family and friends of these talented young artists gather for a very special private exhibition at the SPAN Arts building, Narberth.
The exhibition also opened to the local community, who enjoyed the colourful displays that featured a wide array of techniques by Criw Celf crew.

Please stay tuned for updates on future iterations of this project.
If you are interested in getting involved in this project as either an artist or a volunteer, please contact

Endangered Puppets
Artist Emily Laurens delivered one of 6 Masterclasses for Span Arts Criw Celf programme this spring. This film is the beautiful outcome of the workshop.
Young artists aged 9-11 participated in the programme and in this workshop, they were encouraged to consider and research the endangered wildlife of the UK. Having chosen a creature to bring to life, they were supported to create articulated puppets using paint, recycled cardboard, split pins, and bamboo rods. After a short practice, their puppetry performances were filmed.
Emily has stitched these performances together to create a subtle narrative show-casing the puppet making and puppetry skills of the young people.
Criw Celf is funded by the Arts Council of Wales with an aim to support and encourage young people with an interest in art and design.